Friday, April 20, 2007

These couple of days..

These days have definitely have been a big blur, with bits and pieces of crystal clear moments that make life all the more enjoyable. My hard work has finally paid off, my future is (almost) set, and I have been getting shitty almost every night that I could since last week. I've taken up my favorite pastimes before I became a diligent nerd again and it just makes me appreciate life all the more.

I do not know how to describe this feeling that has overcome me. It is like I can actually breathe again. I can settle in my own skin and just relax finally after all these stressful years. I know this euphoria is only temporary, but I'm going to definitly enjoy it to its fullest while its here.


Unknown said...
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-aholic said...

you deserve all the good moments you can get. embrace them all!

miss you! happy 4-20. (guess it's actually 4-21, but whatever.)