Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Goodbye blogger..

Today I have come to say farewell to because I am moving to something bigger and better. This new place is like blogger but 10x better. Everything looks nicer and all the features from other blog sites are all combined onto this new one for easier, more customizable and nice-looking updates.

Do not worry. I will still update often and visit my other blogger friends for good readups.

Here is the link to my new site:

Thank you blogger for a good place to convey my thoughts. And to my friends, check out! Haha, I sound like a damn advertisement.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

neighbors, always about the goddamn neighbors.

why do i always get *BLESSED* with the worst neighbors ever? 1 year ago it was the guys that lived across from me that pissed off the balcony and threw glass down a floor and ran around naked and broke their damn door. 2 years ago it was the guys the lived below me who would jam their music so loud so they could hear it at the pool at various hours of the day when i wanted to sleep or study. now it's the stupid fat bitches that live downstairs that won't shut their fuckin dog up and leave it running loose around the pool and party during dead days at the pool right before everyone has finals.


i am so thrilled to find out what kind of neighbors i will have next year. they get younger and younger as i grow older, and my desire to move far, far away from here grows as well. i really need to be close to campus though, especially with rx school starting and the thought of waking up at 5-6am to make an 8am class because i need to find parking/ride the shuttle to school is unappealing.


Either I am a nerd or I really am destined for a science-related profession. I just added a link under the 'sites that keep me entertained' entitled Discover(science) which leads you to On their site are a bunch of science articles related to all the different parts of science and I can't deny the fact that I frequent that page a lot.

probably because I am a science nerd at heart :]

Monday, May 07, 2007


Wow, I just found a bunch of ANGRY pharmacy related blogs (now newly listed as a sub element to the left) and I can totally relate to all those stories.

So next time before you go fill a prescription try hitting up one or two of those pharmacy blogs to see all the other BS we have to go through. And in my opinion, I think the technicians have it worse. We have to interact more with the patients (initially) and we get looked down on more for not having the white jacket. Although the pharmacist do have it hard though because in the end they get the brunt of the bullshit from angry, annoyed, uneducated people.

Of course anyone that is my friend who reads my blog is courteous and educated enough to act polite. And oh yes, I'm forgetting that the people that need to read these pharmacy blogs the most probably can't even afford internet, so who am I kidding?

Oh well, I guess these blogs just bring humor because one day I am going to be the pharmacist taking all the blame in the end.

I can't wait.

Sunday, May 06, 2007


The smallest good deed is better than the grandest good intention.

I guess in that way actions are bigger than thoughts/words/ideas/theories that haven't been acted out in reality. Al gave me a free monthly planner today at the pharmacy which I am now using to schedule in my random summer days of work, and on each month there is a random quote included. One reads:

Solutions are not the answer. - Richard Nixon

What do you suppose that means?? Especially coming from Richard Nixon...

Ahh quotes. How I love them; they are so ambiguous sometimes and almost anyone could interpret them differently with a outside-of-the-box analytical approach. It kind of reminds me of one exercise I had at my UH interview, where we were put in a scenario of being in a hot-air balloon crash in the middle of an Egyptian desert and then asked to rank random items (e.g. a plastic box of figs, water purifying tablets, a newspaper, plastic bags, sunblock, a bottle of alcohol) in order of importance.

Of course my think-outside-of-the-box approach kicked into gear and I ranked alcohol pretty high because it has hidden uses such as a first aid antiseptic and also a fire-starter. But of course my group members all thought differently and put alcohol last..

i guess i just try to view things alternatively and on all sides..

Thursday, May 03, 2007


Today marks the end of my 4 year long journey of undergraduate college. Congrats to me, I have just earned a bachelor of arts degree that I will probably never use in my life. Whoopee! What an expensive $25,000+ piece of paper that will probably just sit on my wall for the rest of my life. At least it makes me feel somewhat good about my academic skills.. so I guess it isn't useless after all.

I do feel as if I have learned much, but I feel a lot of the things learned in classes have been useless, and that I learned much more just from being a college student. But I am really excited that I do not have to take any more classes by force that are of no interest to me.

Case in point: plant molecular biology. I needed a plant biology class to graduate, so I was coerced into taking this class because no other plant biologies were available this spring. At first I tried to make this a good thing; I am one that usually thirsts for knowledge, and tried to apply that to thirst to learning about plants. But as the days dragged on, I found the lectures to be extremely dry and I loathed the class. The class actually made me hate plants even more in the end.

But starting today and every day after today my friends there will be no more pointless classes like that. From now on and out it's all classes about drugs, something I hopefully will want to learn about forever.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Raindrops are falling on my head..

It's raining cats and dogs outside and I have a strong urge to go outside and test out my brand new rain boots that were just delivered to my apartment an hour ago.

*splash splash* on everyone but me!

I have always secretly liked rainy days. Although it's usually gloomy and dark when it rains, the sound of rain soothes and calms me down. I actually prefer rainy days to sunshine days, because when the sun is out that means I am usually sweating profusely and I loathe the thought of sweat and taking 5 showers on an ordinary Texas summer day just to keep clean. When it's rainy, the air is still a bit humid but any warmth in the air is balanced by the coolness of the raindrops.

pitter patter..