Thursday, May 03, 2007


Today marks the end of my 4 year long journey of undergraduate college. Congrats to me, I have just earned a bachelor of arts degree that I will probably never use in my life. Whoopee! What an expensive $25,000+ piece of paper that will probably just sit on my wall for the rest of my life. At least it makes me feel somewhat good about my academic skills.. so I guess it isn't useless after all.

I do feel as if I have learned much, but I feel a lot of the things learned in classes have been useless, and that I learned much more just from being a college student. But I am really excited that I do not have to take any more classes by force that are of no interest to me.

Case in point: plant molecular biology. I needed a plant biology class to graduate, so I was coerced into taking this class because no other plant biologies were available this spring. At first I tried to make this a good thing; I am one that usually thirsts for knowledge, and tried to apply that to thirst to learning about plants. But as the days dragged on, I found the lectures to be extremely dry and I loathed the class. The class actually made me hate plants even more in the end.

But starting today and every day after today my friends there will be no more pointless classes like that. From now on and out it's all classes about drugs, something I hopefully will want to learn about forever.

1 comment:

-aholic said...

ha, i don't even know where my diploma is...