Sunday, March 11, 2007

Hmm, so far Houston outranks UT..

So I had my UH PHarmacy school interview on Friday and I have to say, I really liked it. I liked the organization and friendlieness and copious amounts of information that I received when I had my interview there.

Of course I can't really reflect until I have my Texas Tech Interview, which is tomorrow. HOwever, I can say that UT Pharmacy school seemed snobbier than UH and that's a big no no on my list. Yea, so what if the school is ranked #2 in the nation, a Pharm D. is a Pharm D.

The student body at UH seems more diverse and fun and loving and close, and I want to be a part of a student body like that, not one where everyone is awkward and snobby with their noses in the air, no offense.

Maybe it was just the people on the days that I interviewed? Who knows..
The tour guide I had at UT was nice but he made it seem like he didn't want to be there at pharmacy school and was barely getting by. I guess that negatively impacted it as well.

Texas Tech's interview is coming up. I'm flying to Amarillo tomorrow and it looks exciting. THey have virtual tours of the rooms and everything looks new. Plus I just found out that Tech is only 2 years in the small town of Amarillo, and then you can move to any other campus - including one that's located in DALLAS! So that's kind of appealing. We shall see :)

Hopefully I'll get into all three. *crossing fingers..*

1 comment:

-aholic said...

DALLAS?! Ha - you can intern/extern at the store i work at!!! Just kidding, I hope to not be working there by then.

Good Luck with your interviews/decisions!!!