Friday, March 30, 2007

Writer's Bloc

Nowadays I have little to write about. It just seems like once I start a blogger entry and keep going, it begins to sound like useless rambling, so I end up deleting and not posting at all.

I'm running out of topics to write about, and my days are passing by and I'm getting closer to graduation.

I am finally feeling senioritis kick in. It's only seven weeks until I graduate and I don't want to study for my classes anymore, especially after the long week off for Spring break. It feels like I'm still in spring break mode, either that or I really do have an extreme case of senioritis.

But, I still have my commitments to attend to, and the nerd inside me still wants those A's. In fact, I have a long, hard week next week with 2 presentations and a test.

Maybe it's good thing I haven't heard from any of the pharmacy schools yet, because if I had, I would be "partying my ass" off right now.

And by partying, I mean sleeping, not going to class much, watching TV, drinking, reading books I've wanted to read, maybe taking up yoga or something, and just living life with no obligations..

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