Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Inner peace

Ever since I took the writing class last summer on Buddhism, I have always been a fan of quiet meditation to calm my thoughts and find inner peace. I remember when I was younger, I was brainwashed by Christians and thought Buddhists were merely shaven-head incense lovers. Oh, how I was wrong.

And it's funny now, because I am completely the opposite. I am Christianity's biggest enemy. Well, maybe second biggest, because I'm not a Satanist, but I really do criticize and put down Christianity at any possible given chance that I can. I am a person of science, evidence, and material proof, which is, coincidentally, something that Buddhism preaches.

The Buddhists claim to not merely believe in something that someone higher has told you, but instead to discover the theory at hand for yourself - question it and gather data to prove it wrong or right. And after you have done that, you may choose to accept or reject that theory. Doesn't that sound like a lot like scientific method??

Although I cannot say I live the Buddhist lifestyle, I deeply respect it. I just probably don't have enough discipline to live it. But one thing I have been wanting to do for awhile now is yoga. Too bad I can't find anyone to do it with me. I am too scared to go in alone, because my flexibility is just about nilch.

I can't even do a back bend right now; I have no idea how I survived 8 years of ballet!

1 comment:

-aholic said...

Ha, that is so funny. One of my instructors just asked me tonight to join her yoga class. I was like no way! I can't even touch my toes!!! But she said it's just a lot of breathing and relaxing...