Wednesday, April 18, 2007

What else could I ask for?

My parents want me to make a list of desired vacations, fully financed by them as my graduation/getting into pharmacy school present. My elder brother wants me to make a list of potential graduation gifts. My family wants to shower me with congratulatory gifts, and usually I'd have a list full of wonderful, unnecessary items that I don't need to add to my growing collection of excessive luxuries, but so far it is empty and I cannot think of anything that I want.

Over the years I have either a) already bought the little things with the budget my dad gives me, b) bought it by saving up money and then splurging, or c) financed wisely with my paychecks from work + the monthly budget my dad gives me, or d) stupidly put the whole purchase on a new credit card only to pay later.

So today I sit here wondering what else I could ask for. I'm content with my life right now. I'm fulfilling one of my life-long dreams -- to go to pharmacy school, and the COP at UT of all schools.

I have my basic necessities, and of course more would be nice but I guess now I want more things that money can't buy. Those type of goals/dreams seem much harder to reach, but more rewarding in the end anyway. It seems like any artificial, shallow desire I have that is material results only in a temporary satiation that leads to wanting more luxurious, more artificial, more expensive, etc.

But one that's grounded in something money can't buy that I have to work hard for just makes me feel better inside. Soo..I guess I'll just work towards fulfilling those goals, and being happy in life. :)

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