Tuesday, February 27, 2007

I hate...

-Warm temperatures above 75 degrees in February where when you walk home you are sweating balls already.
-Shiesty people, or people with money unwilling to spend and instead mooch off of other people when clearly, they can afford to pay for themselves.
-Dog poop on the sidewalk, with half of it stepped on. Nasty!!
-Plant molecular biology class.
-Overdrafting my debit card.
-Spring break diet/boot camp.

The weather has turned hot for a change and I don't like it. Please cold front, come in an rescue me from these fiery depths of lukewarm air hell!

Although being really really cold sucks, I would take that over a hot, humid day in an instant.

The longer I live here, the more I want to get out of Texas. *sigh..but then again, that statement isn't justified because I have no idea what it is like to live elsewhere in the first place.

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