Monday, December 11, 2006

another one?!?!

Yes. another one.

I think I'm going to start writing here instead. I just feel like my xanga site has become so commercial. I'm not sure if that's the appropriate word but I just feel like people only read it because it's on their subscription list and it's there when they check that. I'm so tired of it anyway, and I want just to have a clean, nice place to write.

Anyway, I'm currently working on one of my two papers due that basically determine my letter grade in each of the classes they are due for. I've already written most of it - in fact I'm on the last section and that's when my brain decides to quit on me. Don't you just love getting writer's block at the worst time possible?

Ack, so to remedy my writer's block I'm writing freely in this new journal. I'm hoping it'll open my brain up so I can continue with the flow of words.

To get my brain going, I asked my fellow lab partner how he wrote the last paragraph, and he quoted me a section of his paper just for guidance. I read it and hung my head in shame; he wrote at such a sophisticated, professional college level. My paper sounds like one written by a high schooler, and that's being on the ncie side.. It might even sound like something from a middle schooler.

Why does my writing suck? Why can't I make it more eloquent and sophisticated? I guess it's something that comes with....

with...what? Age? No.
Practice? No.
Studying SAT Vocabulary Words? Perhaps. Cuz I haven't done THAT since high school. And the last time I checked, high school was when my writing was top notch.

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