Friday, December 22, 2006

mm mm gelato!

My new craze: gelato. I've always liked ice cream but hated it too because of how fattening it was.

Well today I opened up the freezer and there's 3 tubs of frozen treats in the freezer: one Blue Bell gallon of cherry vanilla, one pint of Haagen Daaz light rich vanilla bean, and one rectangular container of Peach Gelato. I decide to try to Gelato first and I'm glad I did! It's so light and fluffy yet flavorable!! And guess what?? It has only 2-8% fat, whereas American ice cream has 16-30% fat!! woohooooooooo.

Gelato is my new best friend. mmmm..

Another food that I have discovered to be tastemasmic of late is SQUASH! mm it is so sweet and delectable when cooked right or put in soups/ravioli. Mm yellow squash, who would have known??

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