Monday, January 29, 2007

I am so tired. But WHY??

I have been really tired lately and I have no idea why. I have been getting adequate sleep - something like 8+ hours on some nights - yet I'm still exhausted before it's bedtime.

I have no energy.

Am I sick? I don't feel sick. I'm not coughing, my temperature is at a standard 98.6 degrees F. What's wrong with me??

Usually during school I'm very enthusiastic, because the idea of getting A's excites me. But this semester and especially these days I've found myself extremely tired and devoid of energy. Maybe I just need a break from it all.

Who knows?

Maybe I should work out more. I heard that gives you energy. Or maybe I should just dedicate one day to 24 hours of sleep. Maybe THAT will cure it.

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