Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Mindlessly bored.

I am so mindlessly bored. Everything is closed, we've stocked up on food, and the roads are way too icy to drive anywhere anyway. So I've been sitting at home watching TV for the whole day, getting up occasionally to eat. I've finished my essays, written in here once already (now twice including this), started studying for my class, napped, and now I am still bored.

So I typed in "I AM BORED" on my google search bar and alas a site popped up for people that feel useless when school is cancelled.

www.i-am-bored.com, you are my new best friend. Pathetic, isn't it?

Oh yeah, btw, School is cancelled yet AGAIN tomorrow. I swear, this is almost like torture. Good thing the dog shelter is open tomorrow. I'll be spending all day there, thanks.

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