Wednesday, January 24, 2007

TV! TV is brainwashing me this semester.

I have been watching quite a bit of TV these past few days, including American Idol. Man, some of the people on their are fuckin BAD and WEIRD and yet they really think they deserve a spot in Hollywood to compete for American Idol. For example, today they had one girl who KNEW she was tone deaf and couldn't sing, yet she had this bizarre theory that she didn't need to have the skill of singing and that the producers or coaches on American Idol could TEACH her how to sing, and that would be the way she could become the next American Idol.

Then she got mad when the judges said NO. WTF? American Idol just shows how weird some Americans are out there. I don't even want to get started on the queen Ian Bernado (was on tonight's episode) that had a one sided hand-made chinchilla scarf that was supposed to show how he could be wealthy, yet he looked like he did heroin and was dying from AIDS infection.

I feel bad for the judges on American Idol. They have to go through some shitty ass candidates, but I guess they get reimbursed by millions of dollars, so it's all gravy to them. I don't know how much you'd have to pay me to sit through 90% shitty, weird contestants.

In other news, today I finally had my first HIS350L meeting - the class about history of biology since Darwin. It's a damn seminar class, meaning we have to speak up for our grades. I've always hated those type of classes because I'm on the more introverted side. I'm afraid that when and if I do speak up, it'll sound stupid or inaccurate. Yet, I already know inside that that isn't true because I'm more competent in the topic than let's say 70% of the people in the class because a_ they aren't even biology majors or b_ they haven't ever taken evolution.

I am afraid to raise my hand to say stuff, and then people keep talking and talking and take everything I want to say and then nothing is left to say. Ahhhh.

Time to watch TV, read some, and go to sleep early so I can wake early tomorrow.

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