Monday, January 15, 2007

I knew this would happen sooner or later.

There's this really cute dachshund/terrier mix at the SPCA named Patterson. He's reddish brown, quiet, and very cute. I haven't had the chance to play or walk with him yet because he is color-coded a level higher than I am, so I'm not allowed to do so yet. But today I pet him through his cage and opened the door a little to pet him more. He put his paws over my hand and it was the cutest thing ever. [picture from austin human society site.]

And now I want to bring him home. Damnit... I knew this was going to happen.

There's also another cute chihuahua mix there named Lenny that's my color level so I've walked and played with him a lot. He is the sweetest thing ever and loves playing with toys. I like him a lot too but he has an awkward butt. Also he's kind of small for Tequila to play with (he seems so fragile that Tequila could break him if she pounced on him) and doesn't seem like the type to play well with other dogs. He's very sweet though - I hope he gets adopted into a good home soon. [picture from austin human society site.]

As I was heading toward the SPCA today there was ice EVERYWHERE! Yay, winter is FINALLY here. I've been waiting for cold weather for the longest time. Now I can put my cute furry boots to good use! I was worrying about it staying warm and me spending money on boots that I would never get to wear.

I think they're going to cancel classes tomorrow and I'm kind of sad about that. Call me a nerd, but I like school. And plus, cancelling classes also means they;re going to take away a day of holidays from spring break or something. So really, there's nothing to be happy about because we still have to make it up one way or another.

I'm still deciding whether or not to do undergraduate research. With it, my schedule becomes very full and I'm going to be waking up every day at 10AM (I'm NOT a morning person). Without it, I'd only have 1 class on Mondays and Wednesdays (see picture below, you can click on it to enlarge too). Every research thing is in red on the schedule below. See how uncluttered and free it would be without it? Thursdays and Saturdays times are exchangable. For example, on one week if I worked Saturday 2-7, then I wouldn't be working on Thursday 3-7. Same thing vice versa. But still...*SIGH. It sounds like a cool research project though - it has to do with FROGS! And I've never done a research project at UT even though I've wanted to for awhile, plus it would help me out with my animal behavior class. Ahh, decisions, decisions..

I also might add more volunteer hours to the schedule because I really like working at the SPCA, and 2 hours/week is the minimum.

Also today on the way to SPCA I went to Starbucks to get coffee and ran into my brother. That was the awkwardest moment I've had in awhile. It's just weird to see him back in Austin as a student. Oh well, I guess it'll be fun. Free food at the Castillian!

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