Monday, January 01, 2007

Helllooooo 2007.

Yesterday's New Year's Eve celebration was pretty off the chain. I only drank a few Malibu Pineapples (very yummy! It's my new drink of choice) and then a few Grey Goose + Pineapple juices and I got pretty damn drunk. It's been awhile since I got to that level.

I met a lot of new, nice friends of Bao's. I know that if I move to Houston this year it won't be that bad because there's people like them out there to help buffer my move.

And then there's my family here too..and all of my oldschool friends. Speaking of, at the party I saw one of my ex's big brother there! Such a small world.. I remember in high school he drove me home once because I was too fucked up to drive and I had no car. He was so nice because he didn't even know me and he drove me all the way home from Bellaire and then all the way back!

Oh how I miss them carefree high school days.
But I kinda like these grown up days too.

Hhaha I've started to play WOW because Bao and his friends always talk about it that I wanted to see what's so damn great about it and I have to admit, it's kind of fun. Damn it, and it's kind of addicting too now that I think about it. *sigh let's see if I'm still playing it in 3 months though. That's the true test.

Anyway, welcome 2007..let it be a great year.

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